Organizations, Government, NEDC

Area Organizations

The community of Napoleon also has many non-profit charitable organizations who raise money in various ways and then donate those funds for projects in the community. One of the organizations is the Napoleon Business Association (NBA), which is like a Chamber of Commerce. They publish a community calendar with the dates of all of the monthly meetings and special activities. The scheduled meetings are:

1st Monday of the Month-City Council and Wildlife Club; 1st Thursday of the Month-County Commissioners, Ambulance Board and Park Board; every Thursday-AA and Al-Anon; 2nd Monday of the Month-Firemen and School Board; 2nd Tuesday of the Month-Wentz Living Center Board; 3rd Monday of the Month-American Legion and Napoleon Future Leaders; 3rd Tuesday of the Month-Ambulance Squad; 3rd Thursday of the Month- Lions Club; 4th Monday of the Month-Knights of Columbus and City Sales Tax; 4th Tuesday of the Month-Golden Age Meeting.

Upcoming NBA Co-sponsored Activities:

*August 1 & 2 Alumni Community Days


Napoleon has a mayor-council form of government with each member elected for 4 year terms, a volunteer fire department, ambulance service fully equipped with all volunteers trained in accordance with state standards and a majority of them being EMT’s. The fire department and ambulance are interconnected with state radio and law enforcement agencies.

Napoleon Economic Development Corporation

The Napoleon Economic Development Corporation (NEDC) is made up of a 7-person board.

The goal of the NEDC is to assist new businesses and services to locate in the community to assist in maintaining/expanding present businesses. At the present time, the available professional opportunities are for a dentist. In addition, manufacturing firms and  Information Technology (IT) opportunities are being pursued at all times.


NEDC Would Like To Hear From You ...
Survival tactics for rural communities are challenging but attainable. Economic development endeavors need to become more creative to attract and keep people. The Napoleon Economic Development group is taking an aggressive stance to prepare the community for the challenges to come. Their goals to promote new business development while supporting existing businesses require support beyond the seven-member board that makes up the committee. The NEDC requests all residents, alumni, or other associates to assist in their endeavors.

*If you are existing business owner considering expansion...

*If you always wanted to start your own business...

*If you are looking for a place to retire...

*If you would like to move to a rural community...

*If you would like to come back home...


*If you have any information that could lead to new development or growth opportunities...

...please contact Eric Hoberg @ 701-754-2000