FFA Members Receive $9,000 In Local, State, & National SAE Grants

February 12, 2025

Ten members of the Napoleon FFA Chapter were recently awarded $400 Supervised Agricultural Experience grants from the local FFA Alumni Chapter. The SAE grants are awarded to assist students in beginning and expanding their SAE projects. The grants are made possible through alumni fundraising as well as individual & business sponsors. Congratulations to this year’s winners; Easten Baumgartner, Bryce Schneider, Carson Piatz, Carter Bitz, Sophia Horner, Jackson Piatz, Felicia Haas, Elodie Kuhn, Dawson Erbele, and Amelia Moch. Justin Piatz, FFA Alumni treasurer presented the checks to the local members. 

Two Napoleon FFA members were awarded with $1,000. SAE grants to begin or expand their Supervised Agricultural Experience Projects through the ND FFA Foundation. The grants are provided through the Fred Bakk trust who saw the value of students acquiring. . .