May 8, 2024

Logan County Teacher of the Year

By Jessica Wald

North Dakota School Superintendent Kirsten Baesler announced 49 North Dakota educators who are being honored as Teachers of the Year in the counties in which they work on May 1, 2024.

Being honored in Logan County is Christina Gross, the 6th grade teacher in the Napoleon Public school district.

The County Teachers of the Year were chosen from among 356 educators who were nominated for the honor. Of those 356 nominees, 183 teachers completed applications to be considered. Those applications were screened and chosen by a committee last month. “Across our state, in rural areas and larger communities alike, our teachers bring their skills, compassion and dedication to their North Dakota classrooms,” Baesler said. “These County Teachers of the Year are examples of educational excellence, who have been recognized as such by their colleagues, their students and their families.”

Gross said she found out about the honor through a text message. After reading the message, she checked her email and received a message regarding the award. “Teaching is my passion. I’m humbled and honored to receive this award,” she noted.

Throughout her thirteen years of teaching, Gross said her favorite aspect, “revolves around building relationships and connecting with my students on a personal level. Witnessing their growth, both academically and personally, is incredibly rewarding.”

She said. . .